Sunday, 27 November 2011

Compassionate n loving

To be Kind is more important than to be right. Many times what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens. And it is compassion that makes a special heart move to the pain of others. Be compassionate and loving human being.


Maal Hijrah 2011/1433H



As long as in love there is "you" and "me", love is not fully kindled.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Awaken to Your Breath

In the beginning, we are told, “was the word”, but behind the word is an even greater power: the breath. Have you noticed that words are simply specific formations, shapes and movements of breath?
In the end days, it is said: all the secrets and mysteries will be revealed. Those end days must be approaching, because today the breath itself seems to be revealing those secrets to us. It seems that the secret of life has been right under our nose all the time!
But it should come as no surprise, since almost every spiritual teacher throughout time has pointed to the breath in some way, and every contemporary healer makes use of the breath at some point.
Almost all the ancient languages use the same word for air, wind or breath, as they do for life, vital energy, or spirit; or the animating principle of life. This principle, this spirit of life, is called chi, ki, prana, or energy.
The breath is often overlooked and underestimated in our search for the source and meaning of life, yet the author of Genesis tells us that “God took the dust of the earth and formed the body of man, and breathed into the nostrils of man the Breath of Life, and man became a living soul.
So, is it any wonder that today, we can find our way back to God, we can meet the source of life by turning to the breath – or more specifically – to what is referred to in the Book of Genesis as ‘neshemet ruach chayim’ – “the spirit of life within the breath”.
The author of Genesis understood something that the yogis have been teaching since early times: that there is a difference between the air we breathe and the life giving principle contained within it. This inner breath, also called chi, ki, prana or energy runs through body, mind and soul.
The movement of spirit in the body is reflected in the movement of breath. As the Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan writes: “The healing power of Christ, the miraculous power of Moses, the charm of Krishna, and the inspiration of the Buddha – all these were attained by breath.”
The Course in Miracles teaches us that: “A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible, it is necessary.” This universal experience is the breath, is breathing!
In the Nei Ching: Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Chinese Medicine, we read: “In ancient times, there were the so-called spiritual men; they mastered the universe, and controlled yin and yang. They breathed the essence of life and were independent in preserving the spirit. Their muscles and flesh remained unchanged.
Spiritual Breathing is to psychosomatic illness what penicillin is to infection. Spiritual Breathing is the quickest way to clear your head, settle your stomach, calm your nerves, and open your heart. It will uplift you, center you, and ground you in your being. Spiritual Breathing opens your heart to love and fills your body with light and life.
In the Songs of Solomon, we read: “Breath restores me to my exact self”. Maybe that’s why one of the most powerful modern spiritual breathing methods is called “Rebirthing”. It offers us a spiritual technology of awakening to our essence.
Breathwork is a spiritual technology for purification and awakening. When you work with the breath, you automatically develop spiritual skills. To play with breath is to play with the subtlest form of matter. That’s why people who have mastered spiritual breathing can accomplish so much on the level of subtle energies.
yoga with breathSpiritual Breathing makes it clear that the original creative life force energy that built our bodies in the womb is still available to us, to maintain and even rebuild the body.
Yoga is the science of union (with god). And yoga holds as a central truth that breath is the connection, the bridge between mind and body, between the visible and the invisible. Breath connects us to each other, and it connects all of us to god, nature and existence.
Every breath can be a prayer, an invitation, a demonstration of our faith, our trust. It can be an expression of forgiveness, gratitude and surrender. Tremendous power is to be gained through combining meditation and breathing.
Each of us must walk his or her own unique path. And that is the empowering aspect of breathwork: no one can do it for you! Yet, we are all breathing the same breath. It is not just a philosophy. It is in fact a reality! The same atoms and molecules of air, the breath that Jesus breathed, Moses breathed, Buddha breathed, that same breath is flowing into you right now!
If you want to go into the deepest realities of life, and to reach the highest states of consciousness, then you will have to awaken to the breath. It is the path, or at least the doorway to your essence, your core, your soul, your heart of hearts.
Breath and breathing techniques are now being taught all over the world. Breath awareness leads to the healing of stress, emotional problems, substance abuse, subconscious blocks, fears and anxieties.
The Angel of Breath is at work on the planet! This Angel of Breath brings fire and light to everyone on the spiritual path. Evolutionary contractions in the form of natural disasters, social upheaval and wars, are doing the work of pushing spiritual seekers out of their comfort zone and into the dynamic working zone of spiritual awakening, purification and rebirth.
It seems to me that everyone is born a spiritual master. But we forget and lose touch with our essence, our purpose, our source. The sadness, anger, and the love of a child is total: it seems infinite. That is a reflection of the power and nature of their spirit. As children, we are forced to choose between following outer authority and listening to our inner divinity.
You can begin to re-incorporate the life of spirit in your body and being. Simply breathe in a conscious way. Practice breathing in a peaceful, accepting, trusting, loving, grateful, forgiving, inviting and surrendering way. Incorporating these attributes through spiritual breathing makes manifesting them in reality easy and effortless!
More than knowing, believing or doing it, when you are breathing it, you are “living” it. You are “being” it. Opening and relaxing the breath is like opening the doors to your soul. Allow every fiber of your being to be bathed in this life that flows from god. Spiritual breathing has been called a biological experience of divine energy.
It takes courage to live a unique and inspired life. It requires that you turn to your own inner truth. That inner truth can be reflected and expressed through every breath you take. Breathing is like a language: the language of the soul.
Spiritual Breathing can take you to the eye of the storm in your life. Spiritual breathing can help you balance yin and yang, peace and power, rhythm and harmony. Learn from the breath itself. Follow your own bliss!
spiritual breathingStart by watching your breath. Do what the Buddha did at the moment of enlightenment: follow the breath as it comes and goes. Feel the sensations of breath, the movement of breath in you. Be a witness. Observe, notice, pay attention to what is happening inside you each moment, and be aware of the one being aware!
Add to that the willingness to let go, to surrender. And then begin to conspire with the life that surrounds and permeates everything in existence. Breathe consciously. Feel the expansion and contraction of life! Celebrate the flow of life and marvel at the mysteries that life reveals to you through the breath.
Seek out others who are committed to breath mastery. Share your experience. No one is free until we are all free. But if only one of us gets free, everyone will be liberated!
Breathe peace and love, freedom and safety, energy and aliveness, love and light. And watch the world within you and around you change forever.


Happy Mind

Happy moments


Please Give time to People who love You.. !

A tired man came home late from his whole day hard work.
His 5 year old son was waiting for him at the door.

Son- Dad, May I ask You a Question ?

Dad- ya

Son- Dad, How much do you make an hour?

Dad - that's not your business.

Son- Please tel me.

Dad- 20 $ per hour.

Son- Dad,May I please borrow 10 $ .?

Dad Got Angry 'n shouted on the kid to go to the bed.
The little boy went to the room 'n shut the door.

After sometime man got calm 'n
he went to kid's room 'n said-
Sorry for being so hard. Here's Your 10 $ u asked for.

Kid smiled- ohhh... Thank You So Much daddy !
Then boy took out some coins he had kept under the pillow,
he counted them 'n said-

"Dad, I have 20 $ now.
Can I buy an hour of your time ?

Please come home early Tomorrow.
I would like to have dinner with You."

Moral - Please Give time to People who love You.. !

Share the story with People You love...
But even Better,
share 20 $ worth of time with someone you Really Love 'n Care.. !


Bagai mimpi

Once a king called upon all of his wise men and asked them, "Is there a suggestion which works in every situation, in every circumstance, in every place and in every time. All wise men got puzzled by the king’s question.

After a lengthy discussion, an old man suggested something which appealed to all of them. They went to the king and gave him something written on paper. But the condition was that king was not to see it out of curiosity. Only in extreme danger, when the king finds himself alone and there seems to be no way, only then he’ll have to see it. The king put the paper under his diamond ring.

After a few days, the neighbors attacked the kingdom. It was a surprise attack by the king’s enemies. The king and his army fought bravely but lost the battle. The king fled on his horse with the enemies following him. His horse took him far away in the jungle.

He could hear many troops of horses following him and the sound was coming closer and closer. Suddenly the king found himself standing at the end of the road. Underneath there was a rocky valley thousand feet deep. The sound of the enemy’s horses was approaching fast. The king became restless. There seemed to be no way.

Then suddenly he saw the diamond in his ring shining in the sun, and he remembered the message hidden in the ring. He opened the diamond and read the message. The message was very small but very great. The message was – "This too will pass."

The king read it. Again read it. Suddenly something struck him- Yes! It too will pass.

Only a few days ago, I was enjoying my kingdom. I was the mightiest of all the kings. Yet today, the kingdom and all my pleasures have gone. I am here trying to escape from enemies. However when those days of luxuries have gone, this day of danger too will pass. He became calm.

TQ-looking forward to learn more...

Be Thankful
Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.
Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.
Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.
~ Author Unknown ~

Syukur ada DIA

Gratitude is one of the sweet shortcuts to finding peace of mind and happiness inside. No matter what is going on outside of us, there's always something we could be grateful for.

sedikit batuk,tidak selesa dengan tekak yang gatal...
syukur kepala ringan tidak sakit,
syukur masih boleh telan makanan dan ada selera.
syukur masih boleh berfikir dan merenung ilmu.
syukur masih bergerak tidak lumpuh.
syukur teramat banyak yang perlu disyukuri.
tak terkira ...segala puji untuk Pencipta.
bahagia hanya dengan DIA

 4 Simple Reasons Why a life of GRATITUDE is Important
  • Being GRATEFUL reminds you of the positive things in your life.
    It makes you happy about the people in your life, whether they’re loved ones or someone displaying kindness.
  • Being GRATEFUL turns bad things into good things.
    Having problems at work? Be grateful you have work.
    Be grateful you have challenges, and that life isn’t boring. Be grateful that you can learn from these challenges. Be thankful for your challenges as they bring you great strength.
  • Being GRATEFUL reminds you of what’s important.
    It’s hard to complain about the little things when you give thanks that you are alive and healthy. It’s hard to get stressed out over paying bills when you are grateful there is a roof over your head.
  • Being GRATEFUL reminds you to thank others.
    The simple act of saying “thank you” to someone can make a big difference in that person’s life.
    Just taking that minute out of your life to say thank you is important to others.
    People like being appreciated for who they are and what they do. It costs you little, but makes someone else happy. And making someone else happy will make you happy.

Good day-How beautiful a day can be When kindness touches it!

Friday, 18 November 2011


Sahabat yang bijak berfikiran positif ini dapat merasa tenaga negatif rakannya yang tidak mahu keluar dari pemikiran sempitnya.Dia menjelaskan tentang kuasa minda yang boleh mengorak ibarat seketul batu yang tercampak di permukaan air menghasilkan gelombang.minda Rakannya yang bertanggapan negatif telah berjaya menyekat kucing itu dari bertindak mengikut arahan.Setelah sepakat kedua mereka memulakan arahan terhadap kucing itu dengan bersikap terbuka dan positif.ternyata kucing itu bertindak mengikut latihan yang pernah dilaluinya.INILAH PUNCANYA!
Dua orang,seorang anak dan seorang bapa berhadapan dengan situasi yang memerlukan ketegapan dan keberanian.Sibapa yang memang terkenal berani tiba-tiba bertukar gementar dan lemah dalam bertindak.Setelah direnung mencari punca,jelaslah sianak ini seorang yang kurang keyakinan diri dan mudah mengalah menghadapi tekanan.Jadi jelaslah seseorang itu tercetak mengikut sesiapa dalam pergaulannya.Bertanggungjawablah memperbaiki orang sekeliling jika ingin terus di kalangan mereka....atau renggang-rengganglah...sebelum terlambat.



 "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become" 

Your Life is a Reflection of your thoughts. Every Second, Minute, Hour, Day – the thoughts which cross our mind with or without our awareness give shape up our life.
Good Thoughts , Good Life. Bad Thoughts, Bad Life. Angry Thoughts, Angry Life. Beautiful thoughts, Beautiful Life and Positive Thoughts , Positive Life.
Seorang sahabat yang berfikiran positif ingin buktikan pada rakannya yang berfikiran sempit .
Dia telah melatih kucingnya menurut arahannya seperti melatih seekor anjing.
Dia berjaya dan memberitahu rakannya tetapi tidak dipercayai olehnya kerana tanggapan rakan itu hanya anjing yang mampu terlatih menurut perintah.Dia diundang untuk menyaksikan perubahan kucing itu.bila kucing itu diarah menurut perintah di hadapan rakannya,Kucing itu jadi kaku dan berdiam diri.rakan yang berfikiran sempit ini bangga dengan tanggapannya selama ini.APA PUNCANYA SIKUCING INI JADI BEGINI?

Be Happy.."A happy heart would see a beautiful world."

The Benefits of Laughter
Physical Health Benefits:
  • Boosts immunity
  • Lowers stress hormones
  • Decreases pain
  • Relaxes your muscles
  • Prevents heart disease
Mental Health Benefits:
  • Adds joy and zest to life
  • Eases anxiety and fear
  • Relieves stress
  • Improves mood
  • Enhances resilience
Social Benefits:
  • Strengthens relationships
  • Attracts others to us
  • Enhances teamwork
  • Helps defuse conflict
  • Promotes group bonding 

Wednesday, 16 November 2011


setiap peristiwa berlaku adalah hasil dari dalam diri sendiri.
cari punca baik atau buruk satu peristiwa itu dari pegangan dalam diri ketika itu.
fikiran positif mencetus peristiwa berhikmah baik.
fikiran negatif mencetus peristiwa sebaliknya.
oleh itu kawal minda dengan kesedaran.

setiap ciptaan adalah milik Pencipta.
terhenti pada ciptaan kita leka dan jatuh.
mengadap dengan sedar kehadiran Pencipta
buat kita tawan ciptaan itu dalam rahmatNya.
dan terbimbing dari kesilapan dan kejatuhan.

kelembutan dalam merenung alam.
indah melihat kehadiran Pencipta di segala.
tidak terjejas walau berat dugaan.
kerana sedar cinta Pencipta jadi buruan.

Sayang semua